Saturday, September 24, 2005

Me with my bitchin' new car!

Words fail me.

Sorry dude. I'm not buying it -- you still have your jeans on!

Reese Witherspoon as Laura Hutchins as June Carter Cash. God, she looks EXACTLY like our friend Laura Hutchins!

I actually saw this last week on the Henry Hudson Parkway heading towards the George Washington Bridge.

Screw Sleep!

Eek! Can't believe I ever dated him...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Moved to New Jersey

Just so this blog thing doesn't self-destruct from inattention, a brief post to let viewers know that Dan and Maurice and I have moved away from Sunnyside, Queens, into our own little yellow house in the suburbs in New Jersey. We've been dealing with all that entails ever since June 24th, our official move-in date. As the furor dies down, perhaps I'll have more time and inclination to post my thoughts and photos here. Stay tuned.