Monday, January 31, 2005


Yesterday I substituted at the Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan. I had auditioned for the music director some months ago and he was eager to add me to his sub list. His contractor called me in December, hoping that I was available for January 2nd. Late that afternoon, as I stood washing dishes in my kitchen, I realized I had completely blown it. I forgot to go. I called and debased myself with apologies. They then offered me January 16th, whereupon I had to admit that I would be in Florida. Third time's a charm: January 30th. So I went.

Having a bladder the size of an acorn, I had to stop at the restroom on my way into the choir loft. Hurrying along to catch up with the others, I did not notice a step up because of dim lighting and burgundy-colored carpeting. I went sprawling, the music folder and a bottle of water flying out of my arms. I slammed my right shoulder into a wooden pew and saw stars. The pain was immediate and nauseating. Two altos came running to see if I was all right. Naturally I was embarrassed and reassured them that I was fine, and had just taken a light tumble.

I tried to do a few shoulder circles to assess the damage. Nothing seemed broken as I could roll the shoulder without too much difficulty. But when I tried to life my upper arm in front of myself, the pain struck again. I seem to have banged the hell out of the front of my deltoid muscle. Someone came running with Aleve and I swallowed a capsule with water.

One of the guys stopped me and asked if I would be suing the church. Incredulous, I gaped at him and said, "No, of course not!" He replied, "That's good, because you'd certainly lose and then they wouldn't hire you again." I played along with him good-naturedly, but felt it to be rather rude of him. He seemed like rather a prissy queen so I just let it all go.

All the rest of the day, I wondered how I would be able to teach two yoga classes today (Monday). I used an ice pack throughout the afternoon and evening, and this morning it seems a great deal better. I think I will probably be fine but felt I should elaborate this experience on this blog.

We attempt to teach mindfulness in yoga; yesterday's tumble was a prime example of lack of mindfulness. I was hurrying to get somewhere in an unfamiliar place. A painful, but very valuable, lesson.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elsabeth Hiactch comments on such unmindfullness in Sexual energy and Yoga. oh and Michael there is a heinous typo in the story. I am very distraught by this being such the spelling champe that I am !

4:38 PM  

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