Sunday, March 06, 2005

I can see your HEINEY

Overheard behind me in the hallway backstage at the Metropolitan Opera, yesterday, 5 March 2005:

I can see your HEINEY.
It’s so bright and SHINY.
If you do not HIDE IT.
I am gonna BITE IT.

I was afraid to turn around, for fear the person was addressing ME. I finally couldn't resist; it was one of those little dancing blue guys, looking nonchalantly forward as though he had chanted nothing. The weird thing is, my ass is very well hidden in a bright yellow Mrs. Roper-style caftan. Otherwise I wouldn't have been surprised to hear his poem.

By the way, how does one spell "Heiney"? Hiney? Heiny? I have a sneaking suspicion it's not in the OED...


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